Boy Scout Troop 202
Carmel, IN


Popcorn Sale    




Get ready to fund your Scouting activities and support our council!

Each Scout in Troop 202 is expected to support the annual popcorn sale by selling at least $200 of popcorn products. Sales may be done door to door, to friends and family, online, at a local venue of your choosing (with permission from the property owner or event manager), or at Troop 202 group selling venues. Donations for military also count toward the sales total. 

If a Scout does not sell at least $200 of popcorn, the cost of registering for the next calendar year is higher by $80.

Scouts who sell popcorn earn funds to pay for their Scouting activities.

2024 Popcorn Sale Key Dates:

- Begin taking orders online August 20-21
- Pick up "Show & Sell" products (by appointment) August 20-21
- Return any unsold "Show & Sell" inventory October 16
- Turn in money for "Show & Sell" popcorn sold October 16
- Submit final orders for "Take Order" sales October 27
- Deadline to submit money for "Take Order" sales November 11
- Pay $80 fundraising fee to troop if $200 of popcorn not sold November 13